Is your birth chart keeping you stuck in karmic cycles?

Do you keep attracting the same lesson and haven't found the blessing in the lesson because you keep getting blessed with the same lesson?

Do you keep attracting similar opportunities, jobs, relationships, etc but they just aren't giving evolution?

Have you recognized similar patterns surfacing around the same time each year, or even each month, and you're unclear what program is looping?

Do you follow mainstream astrology, but for some reason the predictions are not in alignment to what you are actually experiencing?

Have you ever felt like your sun, moon, or Rising sign didn't resonate because you relate deeper with the signs that are before your sign in the zodiac?

Are you ready to re-code the patterns?

Welcome to the perfectly imperfect passage

Discover the truth within your transits

The Perfect Passage

Life be life'n

Day-to-day, we are often navigating through life on auto-pilot. Things happen, sometimes we get up and move on, other times we are TAKEN OUT, wondering "WHYYY this, and why now!?" I like to say, "Life be life'n" as a way to surrender to all that is and that's not always easy. Over the years, I would recognize instances when I would loop and I would witness and bring awareness to friends when they were looping too, like "Girl, didn't this happen last year around this time?"

The moment I am able to recognize my own loop is the moment I am able to ask myself deeper questions. For example, "What was I seeking outside of myself during this time?" The answer may be simple or complex. Planets transiting our birth chart placements can provide these insights.


Transits are a method of mapping how the planets moving through the constellations are making connections to your birth chart. This is what astrologers use for horoscopes, projections, predictions and forecasts. Although, YOU ARE THE TIMELINE, and anything can change, so we will never make predictions!

what is Golden Age Leadership Astrology?

GALA is a new modality of astrology that uses an astronomical lens (True Sky) to align with our most ORGANIC BLUEPRINT, following where the planets actually were in the sky at the time of your birth. It is a form of Sidereal (Eastern) Astrology, but it is not Vedic. We use ALL 13 Zodiacs and the True Sky alignment to liberate ourselves from systems that are keeping us out of our birthright power so that we may step deeper into our leadership!

WHat do the actual stars have to do with it?

Astrology is supposed to be a felt experience. Much of the collective follows Tropical (Western) Astrology, which is simply outdated and KEEPING people looping because we aren't able to qualify energy that isn't actually available to us. Mainstream astrologers forecast planets in constellations that aren't actually there! IMAGINE setting intentions with the wrong moon cycle every Full Moon and New Moon our entire life wondering why changes have not happened. YIKES! Furthermore, Pluto is NOT in Aquarius, Jupiter is NOT in Taurus, when mainstream astrologers say we are in Aries season, the Sun is still in Pisces portal. There are even some Scorpios out there who are really Virgos? See where I am going?


The constellations do not match up to the seasons anymore and they haven't for nearly 2000 years. We have to look at the sky to know how the planets are transitioning around the Sun and our birth chart. Don't know how to read your chart or transits? This is where I come in!


the present passage

One-time Reading

I just need a moment

This reading is for you if you seek clarity with what is happening in the present moments of life.

During the Present Passage, you will discover how the current transits may be playing a role in your life to be witnessed, integrated, disintegrated, and released so you may initiate yourself deeper in your truth. This reading will be written for you to process and digest the information in your own sacred space.

We will use the True Sky to read your transits to unearth any karmic patterns surfacing with your Tropical and Sidereal placements.


  • Anyone who may be brushing up against a more dense season and seeks assistance in finding the pattern.


  • A Written Transit Reading
  • 1-Week Integration Support
  • Reflection Questions



the present passage

One-time Reading

I just need a moment

This reading is for you if you seek clarity with what is happening in the present moments of life.

During the Present Passage, you will discover how the current transits may be playing a role in your life to be witnessed, integrated, disintegrated, and released so you may initiate yourself deeper in your truth. This reading will be written for you to process and digest the information in your own sacred space.

We will use the True Sky to read your transits to unearth any karmic patterns surfacing with your Tropical and Sidereal placements.


  • Anyone who desires 1:1 support for the present moment
  • Anyone who may be brushing up against a more dense season and seeks assistance in finding the pattern.


  • 1 Transit Reading
  • In-person Zoom Call
  • 1-Week Integration Support
  • Reflection Questions



The portal passage

A 1-Month 1:1 Container


Maybe you have been met with a number of obstacles and you're ready to tune in. Through the Portal Passage, you will discover and attune to your True Organic Blueprint and learn how the current transits may be playing a role in your life to be witnessed, integrated, disintegrated, and released so you may initiate yourself deeper in your truth.

You will first receive a Golden Age Astrology reading to remember and re-imagine ways your soul chose to evolve before birth. The reading will be from both a Tropical and Sidereal perspective depending on what is surfacing to unearth any karmic patterns. We will align with the True Sky for all Sun Portals (aka seasons), and New Moon and Full Moon transits to discuss what is most present for you.


  • Anyone who desires 1:1 support to go deeper within their blueprint and remember their power.
  • Anyone who may be brushing up against a more dense season and seeks assistance in finding the pattern.
  • Anyone who desires to build a relationship with the True Sky and begin recognizing and qualifying their own energy.


  • 1 Golden Age Birth Chart Reading
  • 1 Transit Reading
  • 2 Zoom Calls
  • 1-Month Telegram Support
  • Integration Practices
  • Reflection Questions
  • Custom Birth Chart Poster



The prosper Passage

A 3-Month 1:1 Container

It's Me Season

Maybe you've been focused on helping everyone around you and now you're ready to focus on you!

Through the Prosper Passage, you will discover and attune to your True Organic Blueprint. learn how the current transits may be playing a role in your life to be witnessed, integrated, disintegrated, and released so you may initiate yourself deeper in your truth.

You will first receive a Golden Age Astrology reading to remember and re-imagine ways your soul chose to evolve before birth. We will likely be reading from both a Tropical and Sidereal lens depending on what is surfacing to unearth any karmic patterns. We will align with the True Sky, New Moon or Full Moon transits during follow-ups calls to discuss what is most present for you.


  • Anyone who desires 1:1 support to go deeper within their blueprint and remember their power.
  • Anyone who may be brushing up against a more dense season and seeks assistance in finding the pattern.
  • Anyone who may desire to build a relationship with the True Sky and begin recognizing and qualifying their own energy.


  • 1 Golden Age Birth Chart Reading
  • 5 Transit Readings
  • 6 Zoom Calls
  • 3-Month Telegram Support
  • Integration Practices
  • Reflection Questions
  • Planetary Plant/Herbs Suggestions
  • Custom Birth Chart Poster



Check out more astrology products below

golden age


astrology reading

Golden Age Leadership Astrology is a new modality of astrology that is rooted in liberating you from your Blueprint.

We will read both your Tropical (Western) and your True Sidereal (Eastern) chart to unlock the TRUE tones of your Blueprint!.



Custom True

Sidereal Birth

Chart Poster

Take the guess work out of trying to find your accurate birth chart placements. This is the only Blueprint you'll need! Share your favorite color(s) and I'll use my best judgement.

Includes a introduction description of your Sun, Moon, and Rising with new Archetypes.






Not interested in a traditional chart, but would love a custom hand-drawn digital portrait, this is the chart for you!

Includes your accurate birth chart placements and an intro description of your Sun, Moon, and Rising with new Archetypes.

